Recently there has been a huge increase and popularity in the installation of PPF (paint protection film) on most new cars as soon as they are bought. PPF is a great investment for all cars regardless of where you live because it keeps the exposed painted surfaces safe from many elements that traditionally damage the paint. The list goes on and on about what it protects against, and it is always a good investment because it keeps the original finish of your car well protected. 


In very harsh weather, it is even more important to install PPF film. This is especially true in the northern countries where the weather takes twists and turns continuously. The film offers a fantastic protective barrier from nature’s elements and the human factors that are ever more evident in these climates. 


Besides the common elements found everywhere, such as bugs and stones, the wintery weather offers many other elements. The accumulation of ice and snow on the paint is corrosive due to the acidity found in the water molecules coming from the clouds. The snow brushes are the paint’s nemesis by scratching the finish and making it dull and thin. The salt and sand dropped onto the roads that maintain the grip on the road surfaces, attack the paint as it rarely gets washed off promptly. Cars are not washed as often during the winter months, and this abrasive salt and sand end up scratching the finish of your paint. Let’s not forget the small pellets added to the salt and sand that become projectiles repeatedly hitting the car’s finish. 


All these elements have an extremely negative effect on your car’s finish, making it look much older than it is, sooner and thereby significantly reducing the resale value. 

For more info and prices on what the best methods and products to protect and maintain your car, especially in the winter, visit